Thai Foundation

Days of the week, counting and simple math

the tens 20 to 90

Units of ten are formed by having a ten follow a unit, with the exception of 20 as seen in the previous lesson.

yêe-sìp · twenty

săam-sìp · thirty

sèe-sìp · forty

hâa-sìp · fifty

hòk-sìp · sixty

jèd-sìp · seventy

bpàaed-sìp · eighty

gâo-sìp · ninety

examples with units

Note that we change to -èd for a unit of 1. We DON’T say yêe-sìp-nèung or sèe-sìp-nèung. Other than that difference, we just say the tens followed by the unit.

yêe-sìp-èd · 21

săam-sìp-hòk · 36

sèe-sìp-èd · 41

sèe-sìp-săam · 43

hâa-sìp-săwng · 52

hòk-sìp-săam · 63

jèd-sìp-hâa · 75

bpàaed-sìp-bpàaed · 88